Assumption Cathedral
“A holy hymn gives birth to piety of soul, creates a good conscience, and is accepted by God in the treasuries of the heavens.”
— St. John Chrysostom
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The Cathedral Choir is an ecclesiastical choir that sings for the Sunday Divine Liturgies and major feast days throughout the church calendar. The choir maintains a greater than forty-year-old tradition of presenting a Christmas musical program to the Denver community. This annual program has expanded to include the Angel Choir (pre-school and grade school), St. Cyril Junior Choir (middle school and high school), the Bell Choir, and the Greek School. After Christmas, the choir adds a wider variety of music to their program and travels throughout the United States to promote fellowship and showcase the talent of our Greek-American composers. When possible, the choir also makes concert appearances during the parish’s summertime Greek Festival. In 1993, the choir represented the Archdiocese of America in a summer tour of Greece.
Click here to view a map of the choir's past tour locations.
The choir has made several recordings of Greek Orthodox liturgical music, including settings of the complete Divine Liturgy arranged by contemporary church musicians. These recordings are often used as music tracks for Archdiocesan video programs. The choir itself has appeared live on national and local television programs.
The Orthodox hymns and chants presented in concert are representative of those sung throughout the entire liturgical cycle. While preparing for concert performances, the choir learns all the hymnology encountered during the year. Additionally, a variety of sacred music is offered to challenge the choir and promote greater musicianship.
Chrysanthy Therianos is currently the Choir Director and Jr. Choir Director for the Denver Greek Orthodox Assumption Cathedral, positions she has held for almost 15 years. As a nationally recognized musician, Chrysanthy has performed many roles in furthering music in our church; she has led numerous workshops on Byzantine Chant and Youth Participation in our services, judged children’s choir competitions, and has been the Youth Music Director for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver for over ten years. She is also composing her first Choral Divine Liturgy.Chrysanthy earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music Education at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, singing and touring the United States with the premier St. Olaf Choir. She has taught music in New York, Oklahoma and Colorado and studied classical piano under Concert pianist Rodney Mobley. As well, she has studied Byzantine Chant at the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Germany (2001 – 2005), in Aachen, Germany, under Stellios Kanonis, a model Greek chanter who recorded with and was a part of Lycourgos Angelopoulos’ choir in Greece. Chrysanthy continues to study voice under New York Metropolitan Opera Tenor, Matthew Plenk, while also studying Byzantine music with Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver Protopsaltis, Michael Stefanoudakis (assistant Byzantine teacher for Fotios Ketsetzis at Holy Cross Seminary.) As a founding member of Eikona, Chrysanthy has performed throughout America and Canada. They have made 11 recordings of Byzantine Chant in English and original compositions resulting in over 60,000 CDs sold. They are currently recording their 12th album and their music is available both on-line and in CD. Chrysanthy Therianos lives in Denver, CO with her husband, Col. Michael Therianos (Ret), and three of their four children (Alexios, Seraphim, and Anastasia). Their daughter, Katerina, is married to Patrick Lynch and resides in Pasadena, CA.
Katerina is the assistant director of the choir.
James N. Maniatis, DDS, has directed the Choir in Denver for over forty years. “Dr. Jim” is a practicing dentist in his native city of Denver. He has also conducted choirs at his Loyola University alma mater, Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago, and St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church in Denver. He has been the guest conductor at past musical conferences of the Denver and Chicago Choir Federations. In 1984, His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos named Dr. Jim an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. In 1999, His Eminence, Metropolitan Isaiah presented him with the Athenagoras Medal for his years of service to the Metropolis of Denver. Dr. Jim received the Archbishop Iakovos Distinguished Service Award in 2005, the first to be presented in the country by the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. And, just last year, he received the National Ministry of Music Award from the National Religious Music Alliance. Dr. Maniatis’ wife, Connie, is the Cathedral organist and has been at her husband’s side during the entire tenure of his ministry. They are the proud parents of three daughters and have twelve grandchildren.
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver Church Music Federation, with headquarters in Denver, Colorado, was founded in 1975 as the Federation of Greek Orthodox Choirs of the Western States—East.
Click here for more information about the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver Church Music Federation.