Enjoy the podcast library below. You will see that you may press play directly on this page or download them to your own player. Please be aware the files may be large.
6-28-15 - 4th Sunday of Matthew - Healing of Centurion's Servant by Father Chris Margaritis
7-05-15 - 5th Sunday of Matthew - Demons Cast to Swine by Father Dimitrios Kyristis
7-12-15 - 6th Sunday of Matthew - Healing of the Paralytic by Father Chris Margaritis
7-19-15 - Fathers of the Fourth Council - Light Cannot be Hid by Father Dimitrios Kyristis
7-26-15 - 8th Sunday of Matthew - Jesus Feeds the Multitudes by Father Dimitrios Kyristis
8-09-15 - 10th Sunday of Matthew - Healing of the Epileptic by Father Chris Margaritis
8-16-15 - 11th Sunday of Matthew - Parable of the Talents by Father Chris Margaritis
8-23-15 - 12th Sunday of Matthew - Rich Man and the Eye of the Needle by Father Chris Margaritis
8-30-15 - 13th Sunday of Matthew - Householder's Vineyard by Father Chris Margaritis
9-06-15 - 14th Sunday of Matthew - King's Wedding Feast by Father Dimitrios Kyristis
9-13-15 - Sunday Before the Elevation of the Cross by Father Chris Margaritis
9-20-15 - Sunday After the Elevation of the Cross by Father Dimitrios Kyristis
1-10-16 - Sunday After Epiphany by Father Chris Margaritis
1-17-16 - 12th Sunday of Luke - The Ten Lepers by Father Chris Margaritis