Young Adult
Zephie Critikos, Aspasia Kyriazi | Interim Youth Coordinators | youthdirector@assumptioncathedral.org
Alina Buzdugan | Communication Chair | alina@stcatherinechurch.org
Caroline Poulos | Communication Chair | clpoulos@gmail.com
Alexxa Tavlarides | Service Chair | alexxanicole@hotmail.com
Kara Yakubik | Fellowship Chair | kyakubik8@gmail.com
The purpose of the Young Adult League is to support and help Orthodox Christians transition through the various stages of life following high school. A successful Young Adult League creates a setting where Young Adults grow spiritually through experiencing the four characteristics which symbolize the YAL movement. Namely, Worship (Liturgia), Witness (Martyria), Service (Diakonia), and Fellowship (Koinonia). Using these four characteristics, YAL members will live a balanced Orthodox Christian life, growing in His likeness.
*Saint Stephen is the patron saint of Young Adult Ministry in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. His total commitment to Jesus Christ shines as an example, guiding the ministry. St. Stephen was one of the first Deacons ordained in the church. At a young age, he actively preached the Gospel of Christ in Jerusalem where he was criticized and persecuted by many Jewish leaders. Stephen was chased outside the walls of Jerusalem and stoned to death. As his persecutors stoned him, he prayed, “Lord do not charge them with this crime,” and he took his last breath. Stephen is an example to be followed, an important witness during an age when many Orthodox Christians died for their faith. The witness of Stephen and other martyrs is a challenge which all of us are called to meet. He is commemorated each year on December 27th. To learn more about Stephen’s life and ministry, read the Book of Acts, Chapters 6 and 7.
*Lord, as we struggle for meaning and purpose in life, Guide us with Your helping hand. Teach us to be aware of God’s abiding love, and stir our concern for our fellow man. We commit to You our lives in the spirit of dedication and obedience so that we may be spiritually renewed through the teaching of our Faith and the guidance of the Orthodox Church.
For You are the God that loves mankind and to You we ascribe Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.