to Dec 11

Adult Education: The Heavenly Banquet: Understanding the Divine Liturgy

Multi-purpose room
Every Wednesday- 7:00 - 3:30pm through the early December
Jesus said, ‘This is my body … this is my blood.” (Luke 22:19,20)

The Divine Liturgy (the Holy Eucharist) is the central act of worship in the Orthodox Christian Church. The Holy Eucharist is the supreme act of thanksgiving and praise to God in His Church. On Wednesday evenings, Father Jordan will lead the class on the Divine Liturgy. The class is open to all adults interested in understanding the meaning, history, and theol-ogy of the Holy Eucharist. Class will meet on Wednesdays, 7 pm, in the Fall (September - early December).

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to Oct 27

Monestery Pilgrimage

Holy Archangels Greek Orthodox Monastery.
Fr. Jordan is planning an adult pilgrimage to the Holy Archangels Monastery located in the Hill Country of Texas.
More details will be provided in early June.

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Youth Workers Retreat

Schedule: Divine Liturgy 9 am, 11 am Presentation, Lunch, 12:30 pm Presentation
All those working with the youth of our church are invited to participate. Sunday School teachers, Greek School teachers, Youth advisors, Dance instructors, coaches, clergy and parents will benefit from this retreat.

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Baptism Class for

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Cathedral Multi-Purpose Room
This session is for families scheduled for baptisms this Spring and Summer 2024. While this class is mandatory for parents of the children, the sponsors / godparents are encouraged to attend as well. For more information, contact Fr. Jordan at

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