Presanctified Liturgy (with 9th Hour)
Please stay for a community Lenten Fellowship Dinner
(immediately following service)
Great Compline Service
Please stay for the Lenten Book Study immediately following the Compline Service.
Presanctified Liturgy (with 9th Hour)
Please stay for a community Lenten Fellowship Dinner
(immediately following service)
Great Compline Service
Please stay for the Lenten Book Study immediately following the Compline Service.
Presanctified Liturgy (with 9th Hour)
Please stay for a community Lenten Fellowship Dinner
(immediately following service)
Presanctified Liturgy (with 9th Hour)
Please stay for a community Lenten Fellowship Dinner
(immediately following service)
Hosts: Young Adult Ministry
Great Compline Service
Please stay for the Lenten Book Study immediately following the Compline Service.
Presanctified Liturgy (with 9th Hour)
Please stay for a community Lenten Fellowship Dinner
(immediately following service)
Hosts: Parish Council
Great Compline Service
Please stay for the Lenten Book Study immediately following the Compline Service.
Feast of St. Prokopios & St. Raphael of Brooklyn
8am Orthros / 9am Divine Liturgy
St. Basil’s Chapel