Sunday Adult Education: Journey to the Kingdom: The Divine Liturgy - Life-changing Journey
First Class, Sunday, February 4, 2024
Where and When is it?
St. Basil’s Chapel, Immediately following Holy Communion
February 4, 11, 18, 25; March 3, 10 and 17
The class will focus on the Divine Liturgy. There is no better way to understand the theology, passion, and faith
of Eastern Christian Orthodoxy than by entering into its central worship: the Divine
Liturgy. The class will discuss the actions of the Liturgy, the hymns, prayers and creed.
The class is open to all adults, cradle Orthodox, inquirers and catechumens preparing for
baptism. The class will be studying the book, Journey to the Kingdom, by Fr. Vassilios
Papavassiliou. (book is available in the Cathedral bookstore)- $20.00
Questions: Please contact John Johns or Father Jordan.
Father Jordan:
John John’s: